To Avoid Ecological Threats ‘Count Us In’ Movement Aims For 1 Billion Pledges

2 min readOct 12, 2020

Campaign seeks global movement that asks 1 billion people to take steps towards a greener lifestyle.

With backing from businesses including HSBC, Ikea and BT, the campaign is asking for 1 billion people to sign up and pledge to make small lifestyle changes that will help reduce the risk of climate breakdown.

It asks people to take simple steps such as shopping and banking with companies that are reducing their carbon footprint, repurposing clothes, buying an electric car or eating locally and seasonally.

The initiative has partnered with the likes of Global Citizen, United Nations and TED talks. On their website, a statement reads: “We’re asking citizens everywhere to take practical steps to reduce their carbon impact and persuade others to do the same”.

The project wants people to commit to 16 steps that include “…talking about it with their friends; keeping it up, and tracking their progress through our platform; and when they’re ready, taking another.”

Though the project is a great banner and advertisement for battling climate change, the involvement of companies including Reckitt Benckiser, (whose record ranks poorly in combatting deforestation and who appear far from achieving eco-targets) just leaves more questions than it answers. HSBC’s record is also poor, having been invested heavily in fossil fuels for decades. There is no doubt that individual change can be met, but companies such as HSBC must go further to be able to associate themsleves with a topic they have avoided for many years.

More than 12,000 people have already signed up on the first day pledging to save 727,086 kg CO2e.

Graphic: Rawpixel

Originally published at on October 12, 2020.

